Tamer Animals by Justin M. Woodward REVIEWED

What a blessing it is to be me.

To find a publisher like Bloodshot Books, who is committed to putting out the best horror fiction there is, to the masses.

To read authors like Justin M. Woodward, who writes books that pull the heartstrings, turn the stomach and terrify the reader.

There's a whole lot of people stuck reading whatever is stuck on Target endcaps, and to be immersed in such killer novels makes me feel lucky.

It gives me a reason to continue to keep this blog going, and posting reviews on the standard sites, to somehow contribute to this wonderful art.

To spread the gospel of the modern horror novel in 2018, not under the guise of "dark fantasy" or "paranormal thriller", but HORROR, is only worthwhile when there are books being produced that are, in fact, worthwhile.

If there's a book that's worthwhile, it is absolutely Tamer Animals. Buy it, read it, own it and be blessed like me.

Tamer Animals is the third novel by Woodward, but the first I've read. I've gotta put those first two in my shopping cart right away, because this thing is incredible.

It takes so much of what I enjoy about reading horror and adds a heart we don't get to see often. I read a comparison of "Stand by Me meets Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and that's pretty spot-on.

Four teen boys venture off on a camping trip, to smoke some weed, to bond, to explore the woods. Four teen boys do not return.

That's all the synopsis you're getting out of me, because I really want you to read the thing. You won't regret it. Not even a little.

Heartfelt at all the right times, this one exemplifies what it is to be a teenage boy, lost in a billion ways, found in a billion others... I found myself really wanting more from the kids, profoundly bummed when they meet their makers. A lesser book is hardly capable of evoking some of the feelings explored here.

Gory and disgusting in others...but not so over the top to the point of disbelief. This is a very blunt approach to the subject matter.

Tamer Animals is without a doubt one of the best books I've read in 2018. Grab a copy now.

5/5. No questions asked.


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