Review Submissions

Yes, I want to review your stuff!

If you have a book you'd like me to review, I'd be absolutely stoked to do it. However, I have just a few guidelines:

1. Books must be a minimum of novella length. I do not review anthologies, short stories or collections at this time. 

2. Physical copies only. I do not own an e-reader and have great difficulty engaging in e-books. This really sucks, I know. I have tried to get into reading in the digital format, time and time again. On computer, cell phones and tablets...and I just can't get into it. Sorry FOREVER for this. 

3. That's it.

4. I reserve the right to not read or review your book. 

If you would like to submit something for review please feel free to contact me via email at or leave a comment on the page.



  1. Hey Undevine - hope all is well. So, I noticed I never received a review for the book I sent in "Monster on Mulberry" last August. I have to assume it was stuffed at the bottom of the slush pile ... or it was just that bad. I did send a signed copy of the print version. Was it received? If so, is there any intention of reviewing it? I know you're inundated with books, but it was agreed that I'd receive a review. If not, let me know. Thanks!

    Nick Keller.

    1. Hi Nick.

      Sometimes I don't get to books. Happy to send it back to you.


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