Patrick Lacey's A Debt To Be Paid...IS OUT NOW

TL;DR version. Patrick Lacey rules and his newest book is out now, on Adam Cesare's new house Black T-shirt Books! Buy it here!!!!

Any reader of horror fiction will tell you the heyday of books has came and went.



Well, half wrong.

True, you can't walk into your local drugstore and find the gore-strewn goods any longer.

But we are in the middle of a small renaissance, my insatiable friends. You see, there are a ton of newer authors, right now out there that are delivering the goods. In spades, at that. Two of which are my friends, Adam Cesare and Patrick Lacey. Fan first, friend later disclaimer.

I first discovered Adam a few years ago, when I had hit a literature wall. I, at the time anyway, thought I had read all the things I had wanted to. I did some internet searching and came across Video Night, his first full length novel. It sounded right where I wanted to be as far as what I would read next. I couldn't have been more right. The book rules. And it wasn't a fluke. Everything I have read by the man has been stellar. And he's just the nicest. One of my best pals in the Horror book universe, who has turned me on to countless other authors.

One of which is Patrick Lacey. Lacey wrote two of the best new novels I can think of in past couple years, 2016s Dream Woods and 2017s We Came Back. And he's another one of the nicest. Both of those books are must reads, so buy those too!

Imagine my excitement when the two worked together on putting out A Debt To Be Paid!!!

Patrick is just so nice that he sent me his latest...which I will be reviewing as soon I am done with my current read, William Schoell's Spawn of Hell...which is equally awesome, thus far, in it's own rite.

Moral of the story is that great horror fiction is on and popping right now. Patrick Lacey is writing some of my favorite work. He deserves your time. I promise. Buy his latest book, A Debt To Paid, today!


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