
Showing posts from March, 2019

Where Stars Won't Shine by Patrick Lacey REVIEWED

I keep apologizing for my reviews getting sparser and sparser, but this will be my last apology. I'm simply going to read and review books when I can. Things show no sign of slowing down for me, so I will simply get back to this just being a hobby and reading at my leisure. Turning it into this workman-like thing has certainly gotten to me and somewhat extracted the joy of reading. So let's get back to it. Patrick Lacey and the joy of reading. They rhyme for me. His books tend to be exactly what I am looking for, true love letters to horror fans, with as many creatures, gory deaths and crazy stuff as he can pack into the pages. He tends to be a bit tongue in cheek, and very scant in his prose, all the fat chopped away. Where Stars Won't Shine does that exactly, but I bit more seriously in tone than he usually goes for.  Hell, there's even some sociological commentary to be seen here. It's not heavy handed or anything, but it's a nice edition to Lacey's writi...