Blog Saget. Blog Stewart. Blogert Smith.

So. This may be some sort of manic decision that I will abandon in a few weeks, but as it stands, I have decided to start a blog. A public forum to dump my opinions about all the things I have opinions about onto the internet.

My plan is to discuss a lot of the things that really get me goin', film, books, political/economic climate...basically, whatever the hell I want. I can guarantee you'll be reading about me clamor about some horror novel written in 1989 that relatively few people care about. And then express my absolute disdain for some public education funding issue. Pretty unrelated, aye? WELL THAT'S JUST TOO BAD. HUN.

ME. Brandon. I am 31. Living in New England. I work in mental health. I have a Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in the field. I am an avid collector of the things I will be discussing. I am getting married to a wonderful woman who I have known since I was 12 in October 2017. I have a stepdaughter, who is equally wonderful. 3 cats, a dog and a bird.

I already have a plan for the first OFFICIAL entry...probably discussing "why" I am into horror film, books and culture, what utility they have in my life, followed by uploading some previously written reviews. I'd love to hear feedback on things you'd like to see me discuss, anythings you'd like to know, or my thoughts on. If you would like me to review a thing, you can feel free to email me at

Let's party?


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